Wing Chun’s Siu Nim Tau Centreline – Which Lineage is Correct?
Today I’m looking at the way our Wing Chun lineage approaches the Siu Nim Tau centreline compared to what you might see online.
A Note From a Martial Art Parent
A Note From a Martial Art Parent One of my friends asked “Why do you pay so much money and spend so much time running around for your kids to do martial arts?” Well I have a confession to make: I don’t pay for my kids’ martial art lessons. Or their uniforms, gloves & shin […]
The Health Benefits of Magnesium for Martial Arts and Sports
The Health Benefits of Magnesium for Martial Arts and Sports Some of you may know that I have quite a specific diet, one that is looked upon as being weird if not straight out bizarre. The carnivore diet, I know how odd, we’ve only been eating meat since we started drinking water and breathing air […]
20 Wing Chun Movies to watch to get your kung fu fix!
20 Wing Chun Movies to watch to get your kung fu fix!