Curriculum and Grading System

Grading System

Grade One
  • Siu Nim Tau
  • Stance and Guard (Posture, structure, relaxation, optimal angle)
  • Wing Chun’s Centreline theory
  • Wing Chun chain punching (Relaxation, structure, optimal angle, speed)
  • The 5 Wing Chun kicks (Snap, Low and Medium Heel, Hook, Side Kicks)
  • Basic self-defence (Dai Sau, Chit Sau, Tan Sau, Pak Sau) 4 Corners
  • Basic Arm Grabs (Relaxation, optimal angles, bodily control, speed)
Grade Two
  • Siu Nim Tau
  • Single Sticky Hands (Dan Chi Sau)
  • Random arm defences (Dai Sau, Chit Sau, Tan Sau Pak Sau) 4 Corners
  • Latches and Cut-downs
  • Stepping forward, backward and sideways
  • Pivoting
  • More of a focus on relaxation, power generation, speed and body structure. Also forward intent
  • Basic Sparring (Arms or Legs separately)
Grade Three
  • Siu Nim Tau
  • Look Sau (Rolling Arms Chi Sau Exercise)
  • More Advanced Arm Grabs (Arm grabs while being pushed and pulled, redirecting force etc)
  • More Advanced Pivoting (Pivoting when force is being applied, application of momentum)
  • More Advanced Sparring (Arms and Legs together)
  • Knee and Elbow Strikes
  • Dealing with multiple attackers
Grade Four
  • Defence to Chark Jong (Dealing with guard attacks and breaks)
  • Chum Kiu (Form sequence, principles of pivoting and stepping with the body’s mass)
  • Muk Yan Jong (Wooden dummy form sequence)
  • Body Mass (More focus on movement using body mass)
  • Seng and Taigung (rising up the spine and relaxing to create freedom of movement)
  • Chi Sau sparring (redirecting opponent's force, generating own force in a dynamic exercise)
Grade Five
  • Muk Yan Jong (Focus on internal force and Chum Kiu principles)
  • Biu Jee (Form sequence)
  • Joint control (More focus on joint movement and rotation using Biu Jee principles)
  • Chi Sau sparring (higher level relaxtion, force generation and techniques)
Grade Six
  • Lok Dim Boon Kwan (Wing Chun's Long Pole Form. Sequence, low horse stance movement)

  • Body Mass (More focus on movement using body mass)
  • Biu Jee (focus on power generation)
Grade Seven
  • Bart Jarn Do (Wing Chun’s Butterfly knives/swords Form sequence)
  • Bart Jarn Do (Power generation onto an object)
  • Lok Dim Boon Kwan (Power generation onto an object)
Grade Eight
  • Completion of the Australian Wing Chun Academy system.

  • Further grades are in the form of levels, including knowledge of our history, lineage, teaching and experience.