Setting up the Wing Chun Guard


Setting up the Wing Chun Guard This video is aimed predominantly at new students to Wing Chun. This is how to set up the Wing Chun guard.The Wing Chun guard is a triangular shape, it’s base being the body and side the arms pointing along your centreline to the opponents centreline.When lifting your arms […]

A Note From a Martial Art Parent


A Note From a Martial Art Parent One of my friends asked “Why do you pay so much money and spend so much time running around for your kids to do martial arts?” Well I have a confession to make: I don’t pay for my kids’ martial art lessons. Or their uniforms, gloves & shin […]

Chum Kiu Wing Chun’s Second Form


Chum Kiu is Wing Chun’s second form. Concentrating on movement and multi-vector force, of course still following the foundation principals of relaxation and centreline theory.

Siu Nim Tau (Sil Lim Tao) Wing Chun’s First Form


Siu Nim Tau (Sil Lim Tao) “Little Idea” is Wing Chun’s first form and foundation of the entire system. Concentrating on posture, relaxation, centreline theory and arm positions eventually helping us achieve the Nim Tau state.